eBay Trading APIVersion 1375


This container returns the URLs of the seller's self-hosted (hosted outside of eBay) pictures and the URL for the corresponding eBay Picture Services (EPS), that was generated when the picture was uploaded.

Type that uses PictureURLsType:

Call that uses PictureURLsType:


eBayPictureURL ( anyURI ) [0..1]
The URL of an eBay Picture Services (EPS) image. This image is created when a seller uploads a self-hosted image using the UploadSiteHostedPictures, AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use eBayPictureURL.

ExternalPictureURL ( anyURI ) [0..1]
The URL of a seller's self-hosted image(s).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ExternalPictureURL.