XML Reference for Sell Feed LMS Feed TypesVersion 1355


OrderReport shows detailed information on all unacknowledged orders, and all unacknowledged line items in each order from the past 30 days. The unique identifier of each order is shown in the Order.OrderID response field, and unique identifier of each order line item is shown in a separate Transaction.OrderLineItemID response field. Only unfulfilled orders will appear in the response, and orders that have already shipped will not. Sellers use the information in OrderReport to make inventory updates and start order fulfillment.

Note: Once orders and order line items have been acknowledged with the OrderAck call, those orders and order line items will no longer appear in the OrderReport response. See Acknowledging Sales for more information.

Call that uses OrderReportResponseType:


Ack ( string ) [1]
An enumeration value that indicates the status of the current job. Values may include 'Success', 'Warning', 'Failure', or 'Partial Failure'. If any value other that 'Success' is displayed, the error(s)/issue(s) should be displayed under an Errors container.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Ack.

Errors ( ErrorType ) [0..*]
An Errors container is returned for each warning or error that occurs when the call is processed. Each Errors container consists of detailed information on the warning or error, including the actual error message and information on any input parameters that actually triggered the warning or error.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Errors.

HardExpirationWarning ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Contains information about Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration
See the Field Index to learn which calls use HardExpirationWarning.

OrderArray ( OrderArrayType ) [1]
This container is an array of unacknowledged orders for the seller that occurred within the last 30 days (or less based on the Bulk Data Exchange job).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use OrderArray.

Version ( string ) [1]
This value indicates the version of the Merchant Data WSDL that eBay used to process the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Version.