Type used by the ProductListingDetails container, which is used by a seller in an add/revise/relist call to identify a product through a Global Trade Item Number (EAN, ISBN, or UPC) or an eBay Product ID (e.g. 'ePID'). If a specified product identifier is matched to a product in the eBay catalog, some of the details for the product listing, such as listing category, product title, product description, product aspects, and stock photo are prefilled for the listing.
Note: If a Brand/MPN pair is required for the product, these values must still be input through the BrandMPN container.
Type that uses ProductListingDetailsType:
Calls that use ProductListingDetailsType:
AddFixedPriceItem, AddItem, AddItems, GetBidderList, GetItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, RelistItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem, ReviseItem, VerifyAddFixedPriceItem, VerifyAddItem, VerifyRelistItem
If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to
, eBay will use the Brand/MPN pair to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers associated with the catalog product will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This container is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category requires Brand/MPN pairs, the product brand (shared by all variations in this listing) is passed in through the item-level item specifics (Item.ItemSpecifics.NameValueList), and the MPN value for each variation in the listing is passed in through the variation-level item specifics (Variation.VariationSpecifics.NameValueList).
Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that requires or recommends a Brand and MPN value, the Brand and MPN values for the product should always be passed in through separate ItemSpecifics.NameValueList containers since the Brand and MPN values passed in through the ProductListingDetails.BrandMPN will not get picked up by the generated/revised listing unless the the Brand/MPN pair is successfully matched to an eBay catalog product. If an MPN doesn't exist for a product, or the seller does not have it available, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response,
should be included as a DetailName value in the call request. This field is no longer applicable and should not be used.
Note: The EAN (and EAN values) are typically only applicable to European products listed on European eBay marketplaces. If a US seller is selling a US-based product (with a UPC value) on a European site (such as eBay UK), instead of using the UPC field, the seller will use the EAN field to pass in the UPC value.
If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to
, eBay will use the EAN value passed into this field to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This field is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category/product requires an EAN value, this value should be passed into the Variation.VariationProductListingDetails.EAN field instead.
Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects an EAN value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response,
should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
If the seller wants to use an eBay catalog product to create/revise a listing, the seller can include this field and set its value to
, or just omit this field, as its default value is true
. If a seller doesn't want use an eBay catalog product to create/revise their listing, this field should be included and set to false
. If the seller declines to use an eBay catalog product, they will be required to pass in their own listing title, listing description, item specifics, a listing category, and at least one picture. true
, the listing will use the eBay catalog product's stock photo. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this field is set to true
by default. If you will be using an eBay catalog product to list your item, it is always advised to include the stock photo. Sellers can also add their own pictures using one or more Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL fields. Seller photos are particularly recommended for used and modified products to give prospective buyers a clear sense of exactly what they are purchasing. In GetItem and other 'Get' calls, the URL of the stock photo will be returned in the StockPhotoURL field. If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to
, eBay will use the ISBN value passed into this field to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This field is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category/product requires an ISBN value, this value should be passed into the Variation.VariationProductListingDetails.ISBN field instead.
Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects an ISBN value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response,
should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
This container is for future use. If it used, it will be ignored.
This field is no longer applicable and should not be used.
This field is also returned in GetItem if the listing is associated with a eBay catalog product.
if the seller wants to see the eBay catalog products that were found through error messages in the call response. This flag will not have an effect if only one catalog product matchi is found, or if the UseFirstProduct field is used and set to true
and a catalog product is found to create/revise the listing. If this field is omitted or set to
, and multiple catalog products are found, the call will fail and no information about the matching catalog products will be returned. true
Note: The UPC (and UPC values) are typically only applicable to US products listed on US eBay marketplace. If a European seller is selling a European-based product (with an EAN value) on the US site, instead of using the EAN field, the seller will use the UPC field to pass in the EAN value.
If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to
, eBay will use the UPC value passed into this field to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This field is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category/product requires a UPC value, this value should be passed into the Variation.VariationProductListingDetails.UPC field instead.
Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects a UPC value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response,
should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
if the seller wants to use the first eBay catalog product that is found to create/revise the listing. eBay will search for an eBay catalog product match if the seller provides an ePID or one or more GTIN values. If this field is omitted, or included and set to false
, the call will fail if more than one eBay catalog product is found. true
, the listing will use the eBay catalog product's stock photo as the Gallery thumbnail photo. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this field is set to true
by default. If this field is set to true
, the IncludeStockPhotoURL field must also be set to true
or this field will have no effect. Sellers can also add their own pictures using one or more Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL fields, but none of these photos will be the Gallery thumbnail photo.