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Published: December 18 2008, 10:35:00 PMUpdated: August 09 2022, 1:35:06 AM

When AddItem request as below is made against SiteID 0,  the API returns Error 737- Invalid PostalCode.  Moving the OriginatingPostalCode tag does not help either.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VerifyAddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
      <Description>You will get credit</Description>
    <Title>Test Item . Do not bid</Title>
    <Description>Test Item . Do not bid</Description>
    <StartPrice currencyId="USD">12.0</StartPrice>
      <PaymentInstructions><![CDATA[addnl checkout instructions from ebay]]></PaymentInstructions>
          <WeightMajor unit="lbs">0</WeightMajor>
        <WeightMinor unit="oz">1</WeightMinor>

What is the problem?  How to fix it?


There are a couple of problems for the AddItem request that is populatd with the following properties:

    <ShippingType>Calculated</ShippingType> , SiteID =0,  <Country>CA</Country> and <OriginatingPostalCode>K2L2V2</OriginatingPostalCode>


   1. For Calculated Shipping, OriginatingPostalCode is a required tag which is validated against the SiteID  the request is routed to. Specifing a non-numeric value as K2L2V2  for CalculatedShippingRate.OriginatingPostalCode tag in AddItem request, the API will return the request Error 737 - Invalid PostalCode since  K2L2V2 is not an valid US (SiteID 0) post code

  2. Further more,  note that the tag Item.Country is specified as CA, which means the item is located outside US.  When an item is not located on US, the listing is not allowed to be listed with CalculateShipping that one should use FlatShippng  instead.


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