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Published: July 29 2010, 3:47:00 PMUpdated: August 17 2022, 1:52:12 AM


I am using GetCategoryFeatures to find categories that have support for the feature VariationsEnabled, but I found that my list looks short when compared to the list of categories that support multi-variation listings -

My request is as below -

 <GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


Please correct your request to include the ViewAllNodes:

 <GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

Specifying ViewAllNodes as true returns the site defaults along with ALL the categories (leaf and non-leaf) that override the feature settings they inherit. If ViewAllNodes is not specified (default = false) and DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll, eBay returns only the leaf categories that have features that override the settings they inherit. Hence your response missed some categories.

Also note that subcategories that have the same feature settings as their parents are not returned in a Category container. So since all CSA categories are enabled for variations, you will only see the parent category 11450 in the response.


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