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Published: November 03 2011, 11:51:00 PMUpdated: August 18 2022, 7:16:01 PM


    Finding API WorldWide search has been released to Production.

   You can use LocatedIn filter with value set to “WorldWide” to find items, regardless of their Location:


     There are three new filter values for LocatedIn: “WorldWide”, “North America”, and “European”, apply to LocatedIn only. Note the casing for WorldWide and the space in North America.

   Here are sample requests:
Without filter APPID&keywords=canon+60d+slr

With filter
The following request returned items from all the locations as the non-filtered request, and also item from Malaysia and United Kingdom.

URL format - HTTP GET APPID&keywords=canon+60d+slr&


XML format - HTTP POST


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<findItemsAdvancedRequest xmlns="">
     <keywords>canon 60d slr</keywords>


 The value "European" works only if the GLOBAL-ID value corresponds to a European eBay site (e.g., EBAY-FR, EBAY-DE, EBAY-GB, EBAY-AT, ...). For example, won’t work for eBay US (EBAY-US) or eBay Australia (EBAY-AU).

URL format - HTTP GET APPID&keywords=canon+60d+slr&


XML format - HTTP POST

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<findItemsAdvancedRequest xmlns="">
     <keywords>canon 60d slr</keywords>


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