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Published: May 02 2012, 5:01:00 PMUpdated: August 23 2022, 11:20:54 AM

AddItem call returns Error 21917260 as below for my eBay motors listing

  <ShortMessage>Seller Provided Title Value is missing.</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>Seller Provided Title Value is missing.</LongMessage>



What is the problem as we do provide Title for the listing:


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
        <Value>ZG1400 CONCOURS ABS</Value>
        <Name>Exterior Color</Name>
        <Name>Engine Size (cc)</Name>
        <Value>Vehicle has an existing warranty</Value>
        <Name>Vehicle Title</Name>
        <Name>For Sale By</Name>
        <Name>Sub Title</Name>
        <Value>KAWASAKI ZG1400</Value>
        <Name>Rim Material</Name>
    <Location>San Jose</Location>
       <Title>TEST. DO NOT BID</Title>
    <Description>TEST. DO NOT BID</Description>





  Error Code 21917260 may be received when the Item.SellerProvidedTitle tag is not specified for the US or CA eBay Motors vehicle listing. 

 Detailed Description

 SellerProvidedTitle is a descriptive free-text title for a US or CA eBay Motors vehicle listing and replaces the older US and Canada eBay Motors Subtitle attribute (attribute ID 10246).

 Adding the SellerProvidedTitle tag will fix the request error. Here is the sample request that demonstrates the same:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

    <SellerProvidedTitle>Subtitle Test</SellerProvidedTitle>

    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
        <Value>ZG1400 CONCOURS ABS</Value>
        <Name>Exterior Color</Name>
        <Name>Engine Size (cc)</Name>
        <Value>Vehicle has an existing warranty</Value>
        <Name>Vehicle Title</Name>
        <Name>For Sale By</Name>
        <Name>Sub Title</Name>
        <Value>KAWASAKI ZG1400</Value>
        <Name>Rim Material</Name>
    <Location>San Jose</Location>
     <Title>TEST. DO NOT BID</Title>
    <Description>TEST. DO NOT BID</Description>



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