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Published: August 21 2012, 3:46:00 PMUpdated: September 02 2022, 2:34:55 AM

MIP - Image feed processing Best Practices

Data in the Image feed flows from the merchant's system to eBay and contains new image URLs to apply to new and existing listings. Images are uploaded onto the eBay picture server, which enable features, like applying multiple main pictures for an item.
Note: Image feeds should only be used if you have multiple images for a single SKU, like with variations. Otherwise, use the product feed to assign an image to an item (SKU). 
Image feeds should contain the image URLs and corresponding SKUs or GroupID for your items, and are primarily designed for adding up to 12 images per item. Because images may change on a periodic basis, new image feeds purge and replace any existing images per SKU or (product) GroupID. eBay recommends that the image feed be uploaded only when adding or changing images for the SKUs or products. Image feed files must not be larger than 4 megabytes in size, and if multiple feeds are required, upload one at a time.Wait until the first feed moves into the /inProcess folder before uploading a second feed file, and then proceed using this method. 
Image feed files must meet these requirements:
  1. Image URLs per SKU must not exceed 3900 characters
  2. Image size (height by width) must be at least 20 pixels, but no more than 9000 pixels
  3. The HTTPS protocol must not used for image URLs; HTTPS is not supported in the target URL
  4. When replacing images, change the URL for the new image. When you resend the product feed and image feed with the new URL(s), it will appear in the listing.
If you are using Product feed to send Item Data and Inventory feed to send Price/Quantity of the Item 
• An image feed must be uploaded only after the product feed upload has been completed. Once the product feed upload has been successfully completed, upload the image feed. Once the image feed upload has been successfully completed, upload the inventory feed
If You are using Only Product feed, and sending Price/Quantity updates in the product feed itself.
•  In the event the item's price and quantity is the product feed, you must upload the product feed again after the image feed upload has successfully completed.

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