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Published: September 07 2012, 12:28:00 PMUpdated: September 05 2022, 12:02:30 AM

I am currently testing the Global shipping program in Sandbox and the domestic leg address(retreived from MultiLegShippingDetails) that I recive from eBay is not being validated by USPS.

Sellers who are currently using Global shipping program on sandbox recive the address for the Domestic leg facility from eBay, in the GetSellerTransactions response as below :

        <TotalShippingCost currencyID="USD">10.0</TotalShippingCost>
        <Name>John Smith </Name>
        <Street1>1850 Airport Exchange Blvd</Street1>
        <CountryName>United States</CountryName>
        <ReferenceID>Reference #1234567890123456</ReferenceID>

For this example:

When the shipping label is generated for 1850 Airport Exchange Blvd, Erlanger, KY 41018, USPS will not validate this address as the postal code is not specific to a Suite/Apartment.

It was just returned like that to be a mock for production. However in production you should be able to see the correct address.

The actual address on production would be

Reference#  ( which is not available on sandbox)
1850 Airport Exchange Blvd, Suite 400
Erlanger KY 41018
United States

The main intention here is that the seller should not ship any items listed on sandbox.

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