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Published: March 20 2013, 11:42:00 AMUpdated: September 05 2022, 12:13:06 AM

I am trying to list in a category which is Enabled for BestOffer but the api is failing to list the item. Why ?

Case :1

Lets assume you are trying to list in the category-15687 on US site which as per GetCategoryFeatures api is Enabled for both BestOfferEnabled and BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled.

If you are unable to list the item and getting the following warning :

<ShortMessage>Invalid BestOffer input.</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>Auto limit options have been disabled or are no longer available for this category.</LongMessage>

One of the reason could be that you are trying to list with variations. The Best Offer option is not currently available for listings with variations.

Here is a link for your reference :


Case 2:

Lets assume you are trying to list an item in category-47363 on US site, which supports BestOffer, but still throwing the following error :

- <Errors>
  <ShortMessage>Best offer feature disabled.</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>Best offer feature is unavailable or disabled for the specified category or listing type.</LongMessage>

Once again please check your request and see if you are trying to list with Multi-SKU/variations.

The Best Offer option is not currently available for listings with variations, so you may get the above error if your request has variations.

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