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Published: June 30 2005, 5:10:00 PMUpdated: July 25 2022, 3:04:22 AM

I want to add shippingservicecost in my additem options, but i cannot get it to work with the following code using Ebay_Manager for PHP:

$opts = array(
'Category' => 14111,
'Country' => 'US',
'Currency' => 1,
'Description' => 'Item Description',
'Duration' => 7,
'DetailLevel'=> 0,
'Location' => 'San Jose, CA',
'MinimumBid' => '1.00',
'PaymentSeeDescription' => 1,
'Quantity' => 1,
'Region' => 60,
'SellerPays' => 0,
'Title' => 'Item Title',
'Version' => 2,
'CheckoutDetailsSpecified'=> 1,
'MOCashiers'=> 1,
'ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingServiceOption.ShippingServicePriority'=> 1,
'ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingServiceOption.ShippingService'=> '3',
'ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingServiceOption.ShippingServiceCost'=> '14.95',

I keep getting error code 10019 with the above requests.

The correct way to specify ShippingServiceOptions in your PHP code using Ebay_Manager is the following:

$opts = array(
"ServiceShippingOptions" => array(
"ServiceShippingOption" => array(
"ShippingServicePriority" => 1,
"ShippingService" => 3,
"ShippingServiceCost" => '14.95'

The key is that you want to set the ShippingServiceOptions as a sub-array in your code.

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