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Published: August 22 2006, 3:02:00 PMUpdated: July 26 2022, 1:31:24 PM

How can I log the API call request and response using the .NET SDK?

Detailed Description

Here is a C# sample code to log your call request and response using the .NET SDK:

    public ApiContext GetContext()
        context = new ApiContext();
        //set the your credentials
        context.ApiCredential.eBayToken = "token";
        context.SoapApiServerUrl = "url";

        //set the version
        context.Version = "1131";

        //set the logging
        string logFile = "LogFile.txt";
        context.ApiLogManager = new ApiLogManager();
        context.ApiLogManager.ApiLoggerList.Add(new FileLogger(logFile, true, true, true));
        context.ApiLogManager.EnableLogging = true;

        return context;

Although logging adds a little bit of an overhead to your application, it becomes fairly easy to track down errors.  


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