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This method creates a new email campaign. An eBay store owner can create six different types of email campaigns: Welcome, New products & collections, Coupon, Sale event + markdown, Order discount, and Volume pricing.

A successful createEmailCampaign request returns the emailCampaignId assigned to the new email campaign.

The fields emailCampaignType, audienceCodes, itemSelectMode, subject, and personalizedMessage are required for all email campaign types.

Specific email campaign types have required values for additional fields. For more information on the email campaign types, see the Store Email Campaigns section of the Selling Integration Guide.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

This method has no URI parameters.

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

Content-TypestringThis header indicates the format of the request body provided by the client. Its value should be set to application/json.

For more information, refer to HTTP request headers.

Occurrence: Required

X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-IDstringThe eBay marketplace that the email campaign interfaces with.

eBay marketplaces correspond to geographical regions or large submarkets of regions. For example, EBAY-US corresponds to the United States market.

See MarketplaceIdEnum for supported values.

Occurrence: Required

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the authorization code grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

Copy complete valid JSON to clipboard

Request fields

Input container/fieldTypeDescription
audienceCodesarray of string

An array of audience codes for the audiences of the email campaign. At least one audience code is required. There is no upper limit to the number of audience codes.

To retrieve seller audiences, call getAudiences. Use the code values in the response to populate audienceCodes.

Occurrence: Required


The unique identifier of either an eBay category or a store category.

This field is used if a seller wants to apply an email campaign to a specific eBay category or store category. The categoryType determines whether the categoryId value is an eBay category or store category.

To retrieve eBay categories, use the getCategories or Taxonomy API. To retrieve seller store categories, use the getStore call. Use the categoryId value of the desired category from the results as the value in the request.

itemSelectMode must be set to AUTO in order to use a category ID.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field must be set when applying an email campaign to a specific eBay category or store category. The enumeration value used indicates which type of category the categoryId belongs to.

Occurrence: Optional


The email campaign type of the email campaign being created. There are six email campaigns that a user can create:

  • WELCOME - an email sent automatically to new subscribers.
  • ITEM_SHOWCASE - an email featuring new products & collections that the seller wants to highlight.
  • COUPON - an email containing a coupon code and up to 4 items that this coupon can be applied to.
  • ORDER_DISCOUNT - an email containing an order discount and up to 10 items that this discount can be applied to.
  • SALE_EVENT - an email about a sale event and up to 10 items that the sale can be applied to.
  • VOLUME_PRICING - an email containing up to 10 items that are eligible for volume pricing.

Note: emailCampaignType cannot be updated once the email campaign is created.

Occurrence: Required

itemIdsarray of string

An array of unique identifiers for the listings displayed in an email campaign. Used if the seller wishes to select the eBay listings in the email campaign rather than have eBay automatically select them.

Call getSellerList to retrieve all seller listings. Each Item result contains an ItemID value. Use this value in itemIds to feature that listing.

The maximum number of itemIds for the COUPON campaign type is 4, and for every other campaign type is 10

itemSelectMode must be set to MANUAL in order to use this field.

Occurrence: Conditional


Determines whether listings featured in an email campaign are selected by the seller or by eBay.

If itemSelectMode is set to AUTO, eBay automatically choses listings based on values set for sort, categoryType, categoryId, and priceRange.

If itemSelectMode is set to MANUAL, listings are set by the seller by populating the itemIds array.

Note: itemSelectMode is always set to AUTO for WELCOME email campaigns.

Occurrence: Required


The body of the email campaign. Accepts HTML and CSS.

Max length: 1000

Occurrence: Required


This container is used if the seller wants to apply the email campaign to listings based on a price range.

The priceRange container consists of the currency, gte, and lte fields.

"gte" stands for "greater than or equal to" and "lte" stands for "less than or equal to". Either gte, lte, or both must be used.

currency is a required field if including a price range. One of the three-digit currency codes from CurrencyCodeEnum must be specified.

Note: Use this object when the itemSelectMode is set to AUTO.

Occurrence: Optional


Specifies the currency of the listings in an email campaign using one of the three-digit codes of the CurrencyCodeEnum type.

Occurrence: Conditional


The listings selected will be greater than or equal to this value. The value entered must be given in number format, such as 20.00.

Either gte, lte, or both must contain a value if the seller wishes to use a price range.

Occurrence: Optional


The listings selected will be less than or equal to this value. The value entered must be given in number format, such as 100.00.

Either gte, lte, or both must contain a value if the seller wishes to use a price range.

Occurrence: Optional


The unique identifier of the discount used for an email campaign if the emailCampaignType is set to COUPON, SALE_EVENT, or ORDER_DISCOUNT. promotionSelectModeEnum must set to MANUAL if a discount is selected.

Call getPromotions to retrieve a list of the seller's discounts. Use the promotionId from an individual PromotionDetail in the result to populate the request.

Occurrence: Conditional


The selection mode for the discount used if the emailCampaignType is set to COUPON, SALE_EVENT, or ORDER_DISCOUNT.

If promotionSelectModeEnum is set to AUTO, eBay will choose the discount to include in the email campaign. If set to MANUAL, the seller must specify the discount in the promotionId field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date and time that the email campaign newsletter will be sent, given in UTC format. Example: 2023-05-20T03:13:35Z

This field should be used if the seller wishes to send the email campaign on a future date. If no scheduleDate is set, the email campaign will send once it is created or updated.

Occurrence: Optional


The sort rule is used to display the listings featured in the email campaign.

Sort rules are only used if itemSelectMode is set to AUTO. If itemSelectMode is MANUAL, listings are displayed in the order in which they are listed in the itemIds array. The following sort rules are available:

  • ENDING_FIRST displays listings by ending date, from soonest to latest.
  • LOWEST_PRICED displays listings by price, from lowest to highest.
  • HIGHEST_PRICED displays listings by price, from highest to lowest.
  • NEWLY_LISTED displays listings by date listed, with the newest first.

The default sort rule is NEWLY_LISTED.

Occurrence: Conditional


The subject line of the email campaign.

Max length: 70

Occurrence: Required


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription

The unique eBay-assigned identifier of the email campaign. It is generated automatically when the email campaign is created.

This value is returned unless there is an error.

Occurrence: Always


The status of the email campaign.

ACTIVE is returned for email campaigns that have been successfully created but not been sent.

SENT is returned for email campaigns that have already been sent.

ERROR is returned when an email has not been successfully created.

Occurrence: Always

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

35000STORE_CRMAPPLICATIONInternal server error encountered. If this problem persists, contact the eBay Developers Program for support.
35001STORE_CRMBUSINESSA store subscription is required for this call, please check the store subscription status for current seller.
35201STORE_CRMREQUEST'marketplaceId' value is not supported. For the valid values, see the documentation for this call.
35202STORE_CRMREQUEST'emailCampaignType' value is not supported. For the valid values, see the documentation for this call.
35203STORE_CRMREQUEST'audiences' is required for this call.
35204STORE_CRMREQUEST'subject' is required for this call.
35205STORE_CRMREQUEST'personalizedMessage' is required for this call.
35206STORE_CRMREQUEST'subject' length is too long. For maximum limits, see the documentation for this call.
35207STORE_CRMREQUEST'audiences' value is not suitable for current email campaign type.
35208STORE_CRMREQUEST'itemIds' is required for this call.
35209STORE_CRMREQUESTFor 'WELCOME' type campaign, 'itemIds' should be empty.
35210STORE_CRMREQUESTThe item {itemIds} size exceeds maximum. For maximum limits, see the documentation for this call.
35211STORE_CRMREQUESTNo eligible items for current campaign.
35212STORE_CRMREQUEST'promotionId' is required for this call.
35213STORE_CRMREQUEST'promotionId' is invalid, promotion may be inactive or non-exist.
35214STORE_CRMREQUEST'scheduleDate' is not required for this call.
35215STORE_CRMREQUEST'scheduleDate' is missing or invalid, please use a valid UTC format(yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm.sssZ) string.
35216STORE_CRMREQUESTOnly one 'WELCOME' type email campaign is allowed for one marketplace.
35217STORE_CRMREQUESTOnly one automated promotion email campaign is allowed for one campaign type per marketplace id.
35218STORE_CRMREQUEST'personalizedMessage' length is too long. For maximum limits, see the documentation for this call.
35219STORE_CRMREQUESTThe email campaign schedule date {scheduleDate} must be in the future.
35220STORE_CRMREQUEST'itemIds' contains ineligible item id, please check the item list
35221STORE_CRMREQUEST'itemSelectMode' is invalid for this campaign, please see the documentation for this call.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Creating an Email Campaign

This method creates a new email campaign.


No query or URI path parameters are needed for this call.

In this sample, an ITEM_SHOWCASE email campaign is being created, as specified by the emailCampaignType field. This email campaign type is used to feature new products and collections that a seller wants to highlight. The campaign is being sent to all subscribers and followers of the seller's store, as specified by the audiences container and is scheduled to be sent at 2023-04-13T02:50:13.000Z. A subject and personalizedMessage have also been added to let the audience know that this is a test email campaign.



If the call is successful, the emailCampaignId and emailCampaignStatus for the created email campaign are returned.

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